So, what exactly is a DBA? DBA is an acronym for Doing Business as. Your business may want to take on a trade or fictitious name that is not the legal name of your business. Another name for a DBA is a trade name. Each state allows you to register your trade name...
Copyright and Death….What Happens to the copyright when the copyright owner dies? A copyright does not become public domain once the author dies. The term of the copyright depends on whether the copyright was published and the date of first publication. For works...
Many companies have taken the necessary steps to protect their Intellectual Property in the Metaverse. The metaverse was coined by Snow Crash in 1992 book Snow Crash. “So Hiro’s not actually here at all. He’s in a computer-generate universe that his computer is...
I’ve really enjoyed watching the newest season of Stranger Things. Like a lot of people watching the show, I really love the Kate Bush song they use in the soundtrack. It just feels perfect for what Max was going through in the show and it’s honestly kind of a banger....