


Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm

Is that your sister?

Is that your sister?

We all have that friend – or many friends – that have done “some modeling.”  Let’s say your friend did in fact sit in on a photo shoot or two for a new toe ring company modeling their tasteful toe rings. Ten years later, your friend finds out that their photos are...
Copyright, Culture Wars, & Mickey Mouse

Copyright, Culture Wars, & Mickey Mouse

When Mickey Mouse first captained a steamboat into the public consciousness in Steamboat Willie in 1928, the copyright term was 28 years with an option to renew for another 28 years. Under the law when Mickey was introduced, Steamboat Willie was set to enter the...
Patent Trolls

Patent Trolls

This was written back in 2017, but I wanted to resurrect the article to see what has become of patent trolls and where are they now going? Back in 2017 I wrote “A unanimous Supreme Court ruling delivered Monday, May 23, 2017 closed a loophole against patent trolls...
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